September 30, 2011

Birthday Party

I am going to my friend Maddie's 13 birthday party and it is going to be fun and it's a sleepover so Yay

what are you doing this week end and as the last day of September what was your fav moment of September

September 29, 2011


So i was trying to make some changes to my blog and it went ugh so ya that is why the header is changed and my pictures on my computer won't upload and it is really annoying and so the header was for another blog that i was thinking about doing also my blog will probably be going under some changes because i asked anne from doing  so YAY anyway i can't wait to see it anyway september is almost over so make the most of it

September 27, 2011


I had a moment.Well everyday our life is filled with moments 


Some happy some sad some exciting or life-changing.Every moment of our life counts. So make every moment of your life count and live it to the fullest.

<3 Gracie

September 26, 2011

Some Random Pictures

Me this morning 

Me in nerd glasses this morning

Me in my volleyball uniform

Have you ever wondered what i would look like in nerd glasses with blue duct tape

Now you know..........................................................................

i accidentally took this one i put it on zoom and took it 

that's it 

September 25, 2011

Camp Victory

I went to Camp Victory for my 7th grade advance and it was fun!!!

joy and annabelle

zip line

Alee and Hadassah

Fun times

a busload of people leaving:)

<3 Gracie

September 24, 2011

Volleyball Tournament

Guess what today is our first volleyball tournament and i am super excited please pray for our team to do the best  of our ability today

So what are you doing today???????????????????
I kno this post is really short but i am tired so please excuse me


September 21, 2011

Kool-Aid Hair

Ok so i know that you guys have wanted to know how to dye your hair with kool aid and here it is

so here is what you need....................................................

2 packs of small kool-aid
styrofoam bowl
aluminum foil

Here is what you do
1. Get all ingredients together
2.put the packs of cool aid into bowl
3. put 4-5 drops of conditioner into bowl
4.teaspoon of water into bowl
6. put dye into desired hair area (cover thoroughly)
7.rap in foil
8. leave for 5-6 hours
9. wash hair
10. enjoy

(works better on lighter hair)

Have Fun
<3 Gracie

September 19, 2011


First of all my school pictures went great Yay!!!!!!!!!!!

And guess what my grandpa came to our house and is staying with us for about 2 months Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Having a Photo Contest!!!!!!!!!!!

About anything just link it up on a comment and i will check it out and decide the winner gets 2 bows made by me so yea


September 18, 2011

Can't Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So tomorrow is Picture Day Yay! My other pictures have been ok but i do not want to relive my 4th grade picture. Here is the long story in short I decided  to give myself a haircut get the picture??????

So anyway i am determined to make this the best picture ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have painted my nail im getting my hair ready and all that stuff.

 Anyway do you get annoyed when you put a number put you accidentally press the shift button and get a symbol and you have to delete and do it all over again, or is just me ?????? I hope not because that would be really weird.
Well guess what im sad now because i had this sticker on my nail and i came off boo hoo hoo yea i kno that was random so tell me about weird crazy or awesome pictures you had

September 17, 2011

Things That Make Me Happy

2.chllaxin with my bff

and i am so tired and cant really think of a whole lot  on monday it is my schools picture days so i will post pictures of it on monday 

good night evryone btw i posted this @ 7:14 not 5:14 the time is wrong on this 

September 16, 2011

No School Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no school today so i have a three day weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no idea what i should do today

would u please give me some ideas
i love school it gives me something to do so right now i am bored but very happy because i might get a new camera well not really its used by someone i know but very little so yay!!!

well goodbye now
<3 Gracie

September 14, 2011

Blogs I Heart

So i get online a lot and i have been looking at some awesome blogs and i am doing only five so if i dont do yours i might not have seen it yet so ya and please do not get offended

1. Click And Capture
it is a totally awesome blog so definately check it out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Pastor's Girl Ponderings
it is one of my favorite blogs

3.Christian Girl Hangout
it's really neat

4.This Wonderful Life
totally cool

5.Lollipops and Cupcakes
check it out

September 13, 2011

Book Reports

I can only say one thing i strongly dislike them.They are really boring -sometimes i wish we could record stuff and then play it the day of the report

 Ya know what guess what i have due the 28th of september i bet you have know idea (jk) so what are your feelings on book reports

so whatcha all been up to for my next post im gonna do a blogs i heart post so if you want me to put your blog and stuff about just let me know and i will check out your blog it will kinda of be a review but i won't put any bad stuff on it if you want it on here put your blog address put a comment on this post

September 11, 2011

The day that changed America

Today is the 10 year anniversary of the terroist attack on the twin towers. It was a very tragic day and many people lost their lives so i ask you today to pray for those familys who lost someone and also pray for our country that something like that will never happen again

God bless America

<3 Gracie

Candy Bars

I realize that candy bars are bad for you but you know how sometimes you get random craving for chocolate well i think some people have that hopefully they do cause that would be random just posting this and people reading this and saying no not me so sorry for my little explaination and please follow my blog beacause we need 15 more followers to do the giveaway

September 9, 2011


Personally i am not huge fan of football well i guess i am but im not like those people who wear the teams shirts hats paint their whole face.........not for me but i do where team shirts i say all that to say this i just got back from victory's first home game and second annual booster bash it was AWESOME x 1000000......... the booster bash is like a mini carnival for victory fans and the best part is the dunk tank with the principal to dunk!!!!!!! Oh yea it was really fun another good part my friend hadassah came with me and my friend jordan alle and meagan were they and it was extremely fun

so what is your favorite football game memory????????

<3 Gracie

September 6, 2011

Volleyball Games

So i just got back from a volleyball game and we won it was really fun we were playing against catoosa so it was victory vs. victory it was a really close game in volleyball there are 2 matches but if one team one only won you play a tie match and thats what happened the first was 26 to 24 catoosa won that one the n the second one 25 to 23 we one then the tie game was 15 to 13 and we  won that one so we won the game yay im happy and for the eight grade team me and my friend hadassah were the scoreboard keepers and it was fun

September 4, 2011


So i was bored today and was sitting staring at my camera and decided to go out and take some pictures it was windy and the weather was perfect so anyway here are some pictures they probably arn't that good but here they are

i did more than this alot more but this is all i wanted to put on for now

September 2, 2011

Chaplin's Council

So very recently I joined Chaplin's Council and basically what it is, is we help the needs of students spiritually.It is really fun and i need some awesome ideas so please leave some in the comment box thz

September 1, 2011

Im backkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay im back im sorry i havent been online lately but anyway today i went to camp victory for chaplin's council advance and it was pretty fun also rite now after ur done reading this i want u to give me some ideas on what you think would make my blog aw

<3 Gracie