September 2, 2011

Chaplin's Council

So very recently I joined Chaplin's Council and basically what it is, is we help the needs of students spiritually.It is really fun and i need some awesome ideas so please leave some in the comment box thz


  1. Well..I'm not sure about the ideas. Could you explain a little more what Chaplains Council is?

  2. sure well its kinda hard to explain but some of the ideas that we have gotten are to like a prayer request box or help out at a local shelter and to highlight kids every month but anyway chaplins council is we basically just care for the students in a godly way like when someone is having a bad day or getting bullied they know that we will be there comforting them

  3. Oh wow! That is really nice!
    I'm sure you are very thankful for this opportunity to bless other people's lives.

  4. yes very i think it will be an awesome experience im really glad i got on because i really wanted to help people so i prayed and God answered it :)

    God gets all the glory!!!

  5. God is a God of answered prayer!
